I remember when I was living in China, I would check every morning to see if I got an email from someone in my family. I was patiently (okay not so patiently) waiting to hear from them. Any one of them! When I'd see I finally got one, I would be filled with happiness. They're letters would tell of home and all that was going on in my absence, and of course encouragement! The best times were actually when I got a letter or package in the mail. Being able to rip open an envelope or a package and find the treasures inside! Some days when I just didn't know if I could make it through the day, I would be lifted by my letters and emails from home and be able to push forward and continue on my amazing journey.
Has there been a time in your life when you've felt this way?
You maybe have days where the storms and winds
are beating down on you,
and you just don't know if you can make it
through one more day?
For me my patriarchal blessing
is a letter from home.
I can picture my Heavenly Father
sitting at a desk with a pen and paper
writing me this letter of encouragement,
caution, protection, and inspiration.
It's a letter from the one person
who knows me better than anyone,
in a place that is my true home.
When we are searching for
the truth about ourselves,
we can find further answers in our
patriarchal blessings.
I know I've share this before,
but here it is again: :0)
Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said,
"Our Heavenly Father sees our real potential.
He knows things about us that we do not know ourselves."
Heavenly Father knows us
We can discover more of what He knows about us
as we read and study our patriarchal blessings.
There are lots of different ways to study your blessing.
Find one that works for you and study it!
Discover things about yourself that
you never knew!
P.S. I'm a little bit behind with my TAM postings on my personal blog (livingincrescendo.blogspot.com),
but I am committed to catching up in the next couple of days!