Saturday, September 6, 2014


Welcome to the Sisterhood

Hi, I’ve been racking my brain as to how this is “supposed” to look all week. Here it is my week and my thoughts have not come together the way I thought they were “supposed” too. Who is this blog for? I would like to say any of you women out there with the idea that things have to look a certain way and if they don’t then something has gone askew in the universe. That if you aren’t the “supermom” that you think you “need” to be. If you’re 31, 25, or any other age unmarried and wondering what have I done or not done to have a significant other in my life to fill that other “better half”(for lack of a better word). Maybe marriage has come your way and the “ideal relationships” seems to be someone else's fortune. This blog is for all of us looking for comfort in the imperfections of this mortal life and the perfection of a loving Heavenly Father (I choose that name for the knowledge I have gained and the extreme love I have for a higher power, the Universe, Energy, light, and any other name that encompass Him).

I’ve been a part of soulful brilliance from its beginning. I can’t say I’ve taken the active roll in spreading the brilliance (I can count on one hand my blog posts). I was struggling with how I wanted it to look or who I wanted it to influence. While Meg took the reigns and had a more clear vision in her mind of what she desired it to look like and who it would influence. I felt a tug at my heart and a burning desire has come into my vision to share with all women any age, race and even religion. We are all powerful spirits here to serve and lift each other. I have such a great love for all of my sisters and I look forward to expanding my knowledge and sisterhood here in the soulFULL brilliance.

I’m blessed to be working with some very soulful sisters of light.

Meg is full of light and truth a spiritual giant. She has a love for teaching especially assisting others in seeing their soulful brilliance.  

Beth the youngest of this group of sisters, but so full of love a true peacemaker.

Nancy shares her beautiful light through her example of faith. I’ve learned so much from observing her. She has taught me how to love and surrender to the will of the Lord and how to release judgment and just love.

Alyssa is so dynamic. She flows through life with such passion and brilliance. She blesses so many lives with her light and love.

Kenzy is so genuine in loving and accepting others where ever their path has taken them.

We have gathered to share our journeys to soulful brilliance and to continue growing together in the soulful sisterhood. I’m so blessed to have such a large sisterhood (support team if you will).Who’s in your sisterhood? Why have you chosen them to be a part of your life? We are all on this journey together. Our sisterhood is always expanding and changing as trials and challenges come into our life or the flow of constant change swoops us into a new chapter of life. People are placed in our path to shape and mold us along our perfect path. please share with us some of your journey to soulful brilliance what is it for you and how does your soulfully brilliant sisterhood assist you in shaping your path.

Challenge: this month it's to  gather your sisterhood. Take the time to write about it in a journal and then test your nominations do these people truly fill your soul with brilliant light? A few places that I've found brilliant sisters is in my family and by gaining friends through work, my ward/church group, and neighborhood. Who do you choose to share your soulful brilliance with? 
please share your sisterhood with us by commenting here and/or post a photo on facebook or instagram #soulfulbsisterhood

I look forward to this journey of growth and expansion in my soulful sisterhood.


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