Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Lord is My Light

Hello friends! 
Thanks for being patient as I have
been working on recharging my batteries!
Last week when I realized I would
be busy with a class and wouldn't be able
to type a follow up post,
Beth was kind enough to get on and
post about her lower lights.
She's pretty awesome herself!
She's been one of my lower lights
for many years.
She has always been the
peacemaker in our house,
and I have learned a lot from her!
This week I want to talk about
the ultimate source of light in my life,
My Savior and Redeemer.
One of my favorite hymns is
"The Lord is my Light."
"The Lord is my light; Then why should I fear?
By day and by night his presence is near.
He is my salvation from sorrow and sin;
This blessed assurance the Spirit doth bring.
"The Lord is my light; tho clouds may arise,
Faith, stronger than sight, looks up thru the skies
Where Jesus forever in glory doth reign.
Then how can I ever in darkness remain?
"The Lord is my light; the Lord is my strength.
I know in his might I'll conquer at length.
My weakness in mercy he covers with pow'r,
And, walking by faith, I am blest ev'ry hour.
"The Lord is my light, my all and in all.
There is in his sight no darkness at all.
He is my Redeemer, my Savior, and King.
With Saints and with angels his praises I'll sing.
"The Lord is my light' He is my joy and my song.
By day and by night He leads, he leads me along"
(LDS Hymnbook, 89).
So many countless times in my life
I have felt like I was standing in the dark,
only to get the gentle reminder
that as long as I have faith in my Redeemer
He is my light in the darkness.
I love how throughout the book of Isaiah
one phrase is repeated many times,
"His arms are stretched out still."
No matter what happens in the world around us
or what happens to us or because of us,
He is just waiting for us to come to Him.
His arms are stretched out still!
He knows me personally!
He knows my heartaches.
He knows my trials.
He knows my joys!
He knows my path!
He is always there!
He is my light!
Here are some scriptures
that talk about Him being the light:
3 Nephi 18:16 says,
"...Behold I am the light;
I have set an example for you."
That is what I really want to focus on this week.
Our Savior is the ultimate light for us!
If we truly desire to grow closer to Him,
to become a light for others,
we should study the ultimate light!
So here's what I'm asking you to do this week:
As you are on this journey prayer is an important part.
Offer a sincere prayer and ask for the Spirit to teach you
what you need to know to grow closer to Christ.
Have a prayer in your heart as you are studying, pondering, recording
and especially as you go through your days this week.
Read and study Hymn 89, "The Lord is My Light".
This week I would invite you to search your scriptures
and look for different names for Jesus Christ
and any characteristics you find
that are part of Him being a light.
  How has the Savior been a light in your life?
When you have been in a dark place,
how has He helped you by being a light?
How has He sent other people to share His light with you?
What other thoughts, feelings, or insights
have come to you as you have been studying and pondering?
Write your thoughts, feelings, and insights
in your journal. Read through what you have
written and then ponder again
if there is anything more the Lord
would like you to learn.
Make a goal of something to work on this week.
This week I'm going to work on
noticing better the times the Lord's light
helps me overcome a challenge
or gives me guidance in my path.
Be sure to share your goal with someone
so you will be held accountable to do it.
Find someone to share with.
Like always we invite your comments on the blog.
Remember however you choose to share,
you are blessing the lives of others.
You never know if your story will
be an instrument in bringing another
to their Savior.
Like always, we invite you to comment on the blog
so we can learn from each other!
Also feel free to e-mail me at meg@soulfulbrilliance.com.
Meg :0)

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