Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Truth About Me

This week I've really been thinking about the truth about me.  I've been realizing that these truths about me aren't always positive.  There are some truths about me that are not fun to realize or remember.  My favorite thing about these truths are that they come with a huge BUT behind them.

The truth about me is that I'm a completely imperfect perfectionist, BUT I have learned and get to constantly remind myself that life is about the progress, the learning and  the growing NOT trying to get everything to be perfect.

The truth about me is that when I get overwhelmed (usually because I'm focusing on chasing perfect) I often fall into my old patterns of depression and feeling bad about myself, BUT I realize once again that I perfectly in my perfect growth process and that I get to pull out my toolbox and get myself back on track.

The truth about me is that I haven't experienced anything really traumatic in my life, BUT the experiences I have had and the things I have learned from those experiences are amazing!  I know that as I share my story with others I can help them to know they are not alone.  I can help inspire others to continue on the path and to never give up.

The truth about me is that I'm scared of failing. I'm scared of not being good enough.  I'm scared of disappointing others, BUT I get to realize that all that fear is coming from Satan because "God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7). Satan wants me to fail because if I succeed, I can change lives and stand as a witness of Christ!

The truth about me is that sometimes I get to take some time to be depressed and feel all those negative emotions that are swirling around inside me, BUT when I have felt them, I feel better at having acknowledged them and discovered why I was feeling them.

The truth about me is that I am an amazing daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me as only He can love.  He knows the truth about me and loves me anyways.  I know the truth about me and I get the opportunity to love myself anyways.  I am far from perfect, but I have a gift that is so amazing!  A gift from a Brother who loves me and wants me to succeed in my life.  I have the gift of the Atonement in my life!



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